Our job offers

At STIF, we are proud of our large, close-knit family, where innovation is our driving force. Joining our company means immersing yourself in a stimulating environment, surrounded by passionate people who work hand in hand to create the future.



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We offer you a variety of opportunities, ranging from temporary, fixed-term and permanent positions to internships and work-study contracts. You have the talent, we have the challenges to face together! Come and grow with us at STIF.

They applied to STIF

Pellentesque at felis at neque laoreet interdum vitae id orci. Nunc id interdum ligula. Nam suscipit, turpis at vestibulum finibus, lorem mi egestas diam, vitae fermentum leo velit sit amet sem. Donec tempus, ipsum vel egestas efficitur, ante est venenatis magna, eget lacinia nibh augue et velit.


Maecenas lacinia sagittis eros eget posuere. Nulla convallis facilisis efficitur. Quisque ipsum orci, cursus non vulputate sed, imperdiet sed neque. Proin et est purus. Proin sollicitudin semper pretium. Nunc ornare elit eu vehicula suscipit. Nulla dictum, risus vel vehicula sollicitudin, purus mi dapibus dolor.


Integer ut pharetra ipsum. Maecenas a erat in ligula convallis posuere. Ut eu mi eros. Ut posuere elit dui, ac tincidunt dolor lacinia a. Phasellus neque dolor, posuere vitae accumsan at, sollicitudin nec sem.

Brigitte GUEMARD

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