VIGILEX - Sophistication and range optimization


The Vigilex VQ flameless discharge device and our VIGILEX vents have been perfected to protect your equipment.

The new Vigilex VQ LW is a lighter version than its predecessor, with 40% less weight , and is available in all our sizes.
Vigilex VQ is now certified for all organic dusts, ensuring protection for your applications: sugar, wood...
Our range is certified to the latest standard EN16009 : dated 2011 (Standards for flameless explosion relief devices).
Certified : EN14797 and EN14491, our VIGILEX vents are now available for Pstat from 0.1 to 0.5 bar.
Our new VIGILEX VD-HV range provides protection for your filters at high pressures(650 mbar).
We now offer you a new range of VIGILEX VL flat events in trapezoidal shape.


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